About us
Our pastors:

Andrew Kyrios
Senior Minister

Dan Butler
Assistant Minister
Our vision and beliefs
Our mission
Cherrybrook Anglican Church is chosen, holy and dearly loved by God (Colossians 3:12). Our actions and character don’t always reflect that but we are thankful for God’s forgiveness and committed to helping each other grow in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Don’t look for a church building. Each Sunday we meet at 9:30am at the Cherrybrook Community and Cultural Centre on Shepherd’s Lane (above Greenway Park) and 5:30pm at John Purchase Public School. Meeting in a local community facility shapes our purpose and character. Church is about the people, not the building.
We exist for the local community. Our doors and hearts are open to those around us. We want everyone to know Jesus’ love and we seek to share that with whomever we meet.
Our church is as diverse as our local community. We are made up of many races, ages and backgrounds. We celebrate our differences.
God’s word, the Scriptures, is foundational to our church. The Scriptures tell us who God is, how he has saved us through Jesus Christ and how we are to respond. You can expect to hear God’s word read and explained at all of our services.
At CAC we reckon sin isn’t funny or irrelevant … it’s the biggest problem we have. There is no exception. We are all in the same boat of life that is sinking because of the gaping hole in the side. If it doesn’t catch up with us in this life, it will when we all eventually stand before God. Furthermore, there is nothing we ourselves can do about it. It’s not a matter of trying harder. We need help from outside this world.
At CAC we are constantly reminded that God sent his only son into the world to save us. He lived the perfect life on our behalf, died on our behalf and was raised on our behalf. He did it for us. At CAC we don’t have a cross on top of the building or in a stained glassed window. No, we proclaim that Christ died for you. He took the punishment for your sin. That’s love!
But if you really want to know about us, come and visit us at 9.30am every Sunday. We look forward to meeting you.
“We seek to make disciples (Matthew 28:19) who are transformed by God’s grace, through his word to:
follow Jesus Christ (Matthew 9:9);
love each other (Matthew 22:39);
serve in God’s mission field (Matthew 9:38).
Our policies
To nurture those new to the faith, helping them to understand fundamental Biblical truths.
To teach and encourage those more established in the faith. We do these things so that people will grow to be more Christlike and mission minded in thought, word and deed.
To recognise that God gives gifts to all his people and seek to encourage people to use these gifts in his service.
To love and care for each other, with the understanding that people participate in relationships in all areas of life – in the home, work, church and the wider world.
To remain a church in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, upholding the authority of Scripture, confessing the 39 Articles, holding to the principles and doctrine of the book of Common Prayer and taking our part in its life, privileges and responsibilities.
To join in the taking of the gospel into all the world through mission links within our community, our country, and our world.
Our principles
The Bible is the central and final authority in the life of our church.
Prayer is essential to our church and its ministries.
People, not programs, are the focus – to bring them to Christ and maturity in Him.
We are concerned for the wider world mission and are not to be just inward looking.
New ministries will only commence as God provides people with appropriate gifts and commitment to that ministry and to our church.
Our services and all ministries are structured to be accessible to un-churched people as well as nurturing and challenging to Christians.
The two main priorities for using money are meeting financial obligations and reaching the un-churched.
Every ministry will be evaluated by the end of each church year by the pastor and parish council, for conformity with these principles and progress towards goals.